Thursday, September 22, 2011

What am I doing here?

So I decided it was time to start a blog... to purge some of the random thoughts that fill my head. Right now I'm waiting for bed time... counting down the minutes til 9pm when I get to put the crazies to bed. Jerm is still gone, dishes are still in the sink, laundry is left unfolded on the couch and I don't feel like getting off my butt and doing anything... is that wrong? Why at this point in my life do I not have a maid? Or even better a nanny... I'll do the house work somebody else watch the kids... please! Being a stay at home mom isn't always a good as you think it should be. As long as there are children at home there will be a mess somewhere for me to clean up. But unlike the working mom there is a light at the end of the tunnel. One day I will have all of my children in school and theoretically I will have some sort of sanity back... even if it is only for a few short hours a day. That is of course unless God decides some other form of birth control should fail me and I find out I'm pregnant with #4. But for right now 3 beautiful messes is all I can handle.